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I was North of Zaprudnoe heading south to the heli crash location because of the smoke in the sky, grounded the other player down between the houses and the heli crashsite. Processed to equip PU scope, on to my SK, take they bacon, take they pistol, and finally take the ghillie suit. After running back to West Zaprudnoe, I could't open any doors, at first I thought it was because I had the ghillie in my hands, but then after not being able to drop the ghillie or move anything in my inv, I know something was up. All I could do was vault. Got kicked of server, couldn't get back on for like 15 mins, this is like 1 AM EST. maybe 1:30 IDK. Patch 1.27, server NY. When I was at the menu main post kill it said I had a kill, but when I got back on after like 15 min of just dc'ing non stop. the Kill was gonna, from main menu, the ghillie suit was gonna from my hands, the pistol was gonna from my inv, the scope was gonna from my SK, but the bacon was there, and the come on idc about the ghillie that much but I have been looking for that scope for two days now.