Here is a list of game bugs that have been experienced on XBox for the past 2 weeks (Dec 1. - Dec. 22)
- Getting stuck in doors when opening (applies to zombie NPC as well)
- Hot keys can be set, but when putting an item away, hot keys will get stuck
- Cannot open headlight lamp box
- At Rify location on map, on the rock face past lighthouse character "fell through map" and received damage
- When a battery is placed in battery charger it cannot be picked by up by character
- Hatchet will not go back into inventory once selected to "go to hands"
(such as when taking hatchet from backpack to hands it will not go back to backpack even if adequate spots are available)
- Hatchet will not do damage to zombies
- On small streams of water character will "swim" in air.
- Some characters hair/back of head shows through motorcycle helmets
- When clicking in left joystick on XBox controller to run, hotkey menu appears
- When you scare a herd of wild animals it makes a sound like a suppressed weapon firing
**iZurvive DayZ APP**
- Points marked on the map and group members added are not shown on android when created/marked with apple and vise versa