**Some things to note:**
- I am able to always view locally saved compositions in Zeus & Eden Editor.
- I am able to always view my subscribed Steam Compositions within Eden Editor.
- My UID is 76561198448021639, I currently have 860+ odd subscribed Steam Workshop Compositions. This may be the root cause of the issue, related to sheer quantity.
- In regards to active game profiles, I traditionally use only one named "Lockheed Martin", but do maintain a second named "NZXT". I have not ever tried to switch to 'NZXT' nor have tried the above 'Steps To Reproduce' on said profile.
- Becoming Admin on server does not change state.
- Another workaround I have noticed to *sometimes* work is upon observing this issue in Game Master slot, to switch to Game Moderator and back in order to begin seeing the Steam Workshop Compositions as listed.
- Time of day nor server region does not affect results, issue persists/observed regardless of server region or time of day.
- Simply relaunching game or exiting server joining another/coming back immediately does not affect results, issue persists/observed regardless.