!!! This issue is only reproduce able if two or more people join and start the mission after server start !!!
1. start mission use server side:
_x addWeaponGlobal "srifle_EBR_F";
_x addMagazineGlobal "20Rnd_762x51_Mag";
_x addMagazineGlobal "20Rnd_762x51_Mag";
} forEach playableUnits
And now count how many magazines you got.
- http://teamspeak.fankservercdn.com/bug_weapons.mp4
2. add a event handler to handleRespawn and use a Bis_fnc_MP in the handler to tell something the server:
and you will see:
Called 2 times by client:
"BIS_fnc_MP spawn 'BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn'"
"BIS_fnc_MP spawn 'BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn' done"
"BIS_fnc_MP spawn 'BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn'"
"BIS_fnc_MP spawn 'BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn' done"
And received 3 times by server:
2014/04/27, 1:05:33 ["BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn called",fed_9,<NULL-object>]
2014/04/27, 1:05:33 ["BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn called",fed_9,<NULL-object>]
2014/04/27, 1:05:34 ["BGDS_fnc_handleRespawn called",fed_9,<NULL-object>]
- First is WhyTF is respawn event called 2 times on client by inital mission start?
- Eventhandler binding: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WeAreFriendly-ArmA3BGD\mission\initPlayerLocal.sqf Line8
- Eventhandler functions: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WeAreFriendly-ArmA3BGD\mission\functions\System\fn_localRespawn.sqf Line 15
- Server function: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WeAreFriendly-ArmA3BGD\server\functions\System\fn_handleRespawn.sqf Line 13
- For every respawn the side will loose 1 ticket you will see in the video: http://teamspeak.fankservercdn.com/bug_tickets.mp4
2 client will loose 6 tickets O.o ...
3. We have managed to spawn a vehicle with infinite ammo but we aren't able to reproduce it again :(