When I played Warlords on one of the public servers, I got a couple of error messages popping up from time to time when I used the assets purchase menu. I identified the following pair of error messages in the *.RPT file which always come together:
22:19:32 Error in expression <name player]};
if (_ret) then {
switch (_class) do {
case "FTSeized": {
if (vehi>
22:19:32 Error position: <_class) do {
case "FTSeized": {
if (vehi>
22:19:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _class
22:19:32 File A3\Functions_F_Warlords\Warlords\fn_WLSubroutine_purchaseMenuAssetAvailability.sqf [BIS_fnc_WLSubroutine_purchaseMenuAssetAvailability], line 11
22:19:32 Error in expression <uirements = call compile (_assetDetails # 1);
_category = _assetDetails # 5;
22:19:32 Error position: <# 1);
_category = _assetDetails # 5;
22:19:32 Error Zero divisor
22:19:32 File A3\Functions_F_Warlords\Warlords\fn_WLSubroutine_purchaseMenuRefresh.sqf [BIS_fnc_WLSubroutine_purchaseMenuRefresh], line 38
Despite these error messages, everything seems to work fine nonetheless. A player that does not have the `-showScriptErrors` option added, won't notice anything.