//**I would love to see black variants of: **//
TRG Series
Mk20 Series
ACP-C2 .45
Mk18 ABR
Vermin SMG
RPG-42 Alamut
PO7 9mm
P99 9mm
And would love to see a grenade launcher variant of the AKM
//**Black, Blue and ACU versions (and without flags) of:**//
Modular Helmet
Military Cap
GA Carrier (Rig, Lite and GL Versions)
Vest (Press) (Without the "Press" name on both blue and black)
Police versions of the Basic helmet (both with and without a neck protector)
//**Now, if we were talking about completely new assets:**//
**ACR** : https://www.bushmaster.com/sites/default/files/styles/bm_product_firearm_grid/public/90704_ACR-Enhanced-Black_Right.jpg?itok=HV3Lh2RE
**G36C** : https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/diehard/images/9/92/H%26KG36C.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130129064048
**SVD** : (both woodstock and metalstock) : http://pb-images.voraciocommerce.com/XL/king-arms-electric-2.jpg?auto=format
**M4** : https://fnamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/M4-Military-Collector_029.jpg
**Steyr A3** : http://www.pjs-steyraug.com/a3scope.jpg
**A New Balaclava :** https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61OuBtwS0hL._SY355_.jpg