Since serval Days im getting on one Server i want to play again the 0xC0000005 failure... ( Server-Name: Artic Apocalypse Hardcore PvE Survival IP: ) I read all the Stuff that i could found ""0xC0000005 = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION" in Google, tried all the tricks from the DayZ Reddit, the DayZ Steam Discussions, the official DayZ-Forum and the DayZ discord what I could find about "0xC0000005 = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION"
1. I disabled the Steam Cloud and
2. Deabonized all my mods in the Workshop
3. I deleted the C:\Users\*Myusername*\Documents\DayZ and C:\Users\*Myusername*\Documents\DayZ Exp folders
4. then I verified the game data through Steam. And added "-nocharmenu" and set in the compatibilty settings of all *.Exe Files in my DayZ install folder to always run as Admin.
Still had Problems sometimes it worked for 5-10 minutes before it broked aggain.
5. I also tried serval older Nvidia Driver Versions to test if it would work with an older Versions
6. I deleted the game mods DayZ folder in the Windows User Folder and all in Appdata by hand reinstalled everything and still had the same problem..
7. So i deleted all my Games i own from Bohemia (Arma2, Arma3, Arma Reforger, DayZ Standalone) and all the belonging User Document Folders & AppData and deabonized all mods on them... and reinstalled still got the same.
8. I did a backup of everything to other folders and cleared every file from my Documents folders i have on all cloud services I use (OneDrive, Google Drive, NextCloud on my own NAS) to make 100% sure before I fresh installed Windows 11 to get not any old files from anywhere downloaded again before...
9. I completly reinstalled Windows 11 Pro forma fresh builded media-creation tool usb stick and checked first if it worked that Documents folders and AppDate is really empty from any old DayZ istallations from my Cloud-Service Stuff before
10. I installed Steam again reinstalled DayZ and downloaded all the mods with the Workshop and it run (posted this alittle bit to early as working on the DayZ discord) but after 10 Minutes I had again the problems.
11. I checked with a USB Linux live stick and a Ram-Test to make sure my memory is OK. It was... but at the end of what else i could try i disabled my XMP Profile and got the same problem and also tried a completely new and never before used set of DDR4 RAM (from a new PC I'm building for a friend) if it changes something but still having the same frustrating problem.
I tried all of this with the regular game launcher and also with the DZSA launcher and yes i also activated the run as administrator Setting..
It does not always crash right at the beginning sometimes the Game on this Server is running for 1-10 minutes before it crashes ... but often its after a lag and input in movement.. and the crash report also mentions that any input files cannot be located... " 8:48:25.517 !!! [Inputs] Cannot load inputs default "", file does not exist
8:48:25.517 !!! [Inputs] Failed to load MODDED inputs - file name/ path invalid?"
I'm not having the problems on any other official or modded community Server but I would be sad not being able to play on this server again...
All of this took me a very long time and normally I'm not the user sending in crash reports and complaining but with around 10,000 hours in DZSA and also several thousands of hours in other Bohemia Games ( I have played Bohemia Games since the Original Operation Flashpoint in 2001) Im really really frustrated that i cannot fix it, with any tweak or solution i could find online it myself so that i had to write this report. Im Also I will also send alll of this to the Admin of the Artic Server on his Discord because im thinking at this point the problem is not my client but an old not updated mod on his server...