Sometime my character rollback when i use VOIP client > server?
Here is 3 different stories:
1. two guys chasing me, one with a gun, the other one with none, no way to escape, i keep my mouth shut to focus on game, at some point i put unconcious one of the bad guys unconcious, now being confident i trash talk them back, for 2-5 secs before focusing again to kill the last one. moving around to lose infected aggro, and finish the unconcious one 10-15 secs later my character rollback where i last talked, i had the unconscious guy on my feet. i died right after (his friend shooted me) what he was unable to do for a solid 10mins because i was moving alot, my guess is that once i began to talk, my character was no longer moving server side, then the server has sync my client back to where i was.
2. Again two guys chasing me, both with a gun, they trash talk me again, can't really hide because a middle of nowhere, at some point, i see a dense treeline where i'm sure i can lost them 100%, so being confident, i trash talk them before vanishing in the treeline. Then 2-3 secs later my character rollback and i die, probably because it was no longer moving for them on server side.
3. I spawned on Skalisty Island, i notice that all the loots are taken, so i'm sure someone is around, pretty much expect him to be on the lighthouse, i was right, he was naked on the top of the lighthouse, he saw me, i saw him, so i did my best so he lose vision of me, using the treeline near the lighthouse, i reached the foot of the lighthouse and then i deployed a beartrap on the bottom of the ladder. He then started talking to me, annoyed of the loud VOIP i removed my headphone. To piss him off, i enabled VOIP, took my keyring and began to make a lot of noise to force him to climb down. with that much noise a third guy has come around, and asked to be killed, then the above dude shot him. at this point i was experiencing small rollbacks mostly because i was staying near the foot of the lighthouse to avoid being in the sight of the above guy, and not moving alot. at some point i had a rollback, then i died.
It happened me something like 7 times already, and everytime i experienced rollbacks, VOIP client > server was involved.
I experienced these rollbacks on UK/DE servers, I take very seriously care of my gaming conditions so its probably not related to my hardware/software/internet.
I deeply think its related to the use of VOIP client > server, i'm not 100% sure because people chasing me was not looking like they were experiencing this?