Command: **activatedAddons**
Description (old): -
Description (new): Returns a list of all activated addons. (DONE)
Command: **addMagazineAmmoCargo**
Example (old): rearmTruckOne AddMagazineAmmoCargo ["M16", 2,12]
Example (new): rearmTruckOne addMagazineAmmoCargo ["LMG_Mk200_F", 2,12] (DONE)
Command: **allowDamage**
Description (old): Obsolete.
Description (new): Allow or prevent an object being damaged (or injured, or killed). The command does not prevent object from taking scripted damage such as setHit, setHitIndex, setHitPointDamage or setDamage.
Example (old): -
Example (new): player allowDamage false (DONE)
Command: **allowDammage**
Description (old): Obsolete.
Description (new): Allow or prevent an object being damaged (or injured, or killed). The command does not prevent object from taking scripted damage such as setHit, setHitIndex, setHitPointDamage or setDamage.
Example (old): -
Example (new): player allowDamage false (DONE)
Command: **allowFileOperations**
Description (old): Allow/dissallow file ops (load/save etc).
Description (new): Allow/disallow file operations like loading and saving. (DONE)
Command: **assignedTeam**
Description (old): Checks which team does the vehicle (its commander unit) belong to.
Description (new): Checks which team the vehicle (its commander unit) belongs to. (DONE)
Command: **buldozer_EnableRoadDiag **
Description (old): -
Description (new): Enables road diagnostics in buldozer. (DONE)
Command: **buldozer_IsEnabledRoadDiag**
Description (old): Is enabled road diag in buldozer?
Description (new): Returns true if road diag is enabled in buldozer. (DONE)
Command: **buldozer_LoadNewRoads**
Description (old): -
Description (new): Generates new roads. (From biki) (DONE)
Command: **setForceGeneratorRTD **(Not documented on the biki and no ingame description)
Description (old): -
Description (new): ??? (NOT DONE)
Command: **setObjectMaterial**
Description (old): -
Description (new): Sets material of object selection. The selection number is defined through the hiddenselection[]={} array in the vehicle's config (starting with 0). (From biki) (DONE)
Command: **setObjectTexture**
Description (old): -
Description (new): Textures object selection with texture named in array. (From biki) (DONE)
Command: **setParticleFire**
Description (old): -
Description (new): Set fire parameters to particle effect. Note: You need to create emitter at first. (From biki) (DONE)
Command: **setRotorBrakeRTD**
Description (old): -
Description (new): Toggle a helicopter's rotor brake on or off. (From biki) (DONE, but "toggle a helicopter?s.."
Command: **pushBack**
Description (old): Add and element into the end of a given array.
Description (new): Adds an element to the end of a given array.
Example (old): array push_back "Hello"
Example (new): _array = [1,2,3]; _array pushBack 4; hint str _array; //[1,2,3,4] (DONE)
# The commands **allDead **and **allDeadMen** have a comma at the end of their description which should be removed. (DONE)
# **isIRLaserOn **command has the description placed in the example section (DONE)
# All safeZone command are missing their description (DONE)
## safeZoneH
## safeZoneW
## safeZoneWAbs
## safeZoneX
## safeZoneXAbs
## safeZoneY