1. Create a mission in the editor
2. Place a player and press preview
3. Execute the following code from the debug console
private _display = (call BIS_fnc_displayMission) createDisplay "DisplaySimulated";
private _ctrlMap = _display ctrlCreate ["RscMapControl", -1];
_ctrlMap ctrlSetPosition [0, 0, 1, 1];
_ctrlMap ctrlCommit 0;
for "_i" from 0 to 8 do
private _rndPos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
private _marker = createMarker ["testMarker_" + str _i, _rndPos]; // Not visible yet.
_marker setMarkerType "hd_dot"; // Visible.
_ctrlMap ctrlMapAnimAdd [0.8, ctrlMapScale _ctrlMap, _rndPos];
ctrlMapAnimCommit _ctrlMap;
waitUntil {ctrlMapAnimDone _ctrlMap};
systemChat "Next animation in 3 seconds!";
sleep 1;
if (_i == 4) then
systemChat "Now with a map control which covers the whole screen!";
systemChat "See how map is now properly centered on the markers!";
_ctrlMap ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX, safeZoneY, safeZoneW, safeZoneH];
_ctrlMap ctrlCommit 1;
waitUntil {ctrlCommitted _ctrlMap};
ctrlDelete _ctrlMap;
First four markers show how the command is bugged. After that, the map gets resized and the positions are displayed correctly.