1. Lowered weapon (double Ctrl click) does not has positive affect to the stamina, during movement. Before, the lowered weapon, had an positive influence on fatigue while movement. In the Nexus update, this feature has been removed, despite the description in the manual of Arma3. BIS, You must return this feature, this will give meaning to actions in which the player must lower down their weapons. Otherwise it makes no sense.
2. If the player gets tired and stops moving, then begins a regeneration of his strength after fatigue. But lowering primary weapon(double Ctrl click) does not has positive affect to the regeneration of player strength aslo.
I think the lowered weapons and current stance should have a some(not big) bonus to the recovery of the player. Because it is natural, the recovery in such a stance, should occur somewhat faster than recovery with raised weapon. For example, if player stops in the crouch position with lowered weapon, then the regeneration should be even more faster than if player located in any full erect stance with lowered weapon. Such details could give more meaning to lowered ability of any weapons in the gameplay and make it more realistic.