Put the following code inside a class definition of an object, that is placeable by Zeus. Then spawn the object in Zeus mode (dedicated server and minimum 1 client) and check the 4 variables on the connected clients. The variable "DEBUG_testVar1" will be missing on clients even on the Zeus machine. "DEBUG_testVar2", "DEBUG_testVar3" and "DEBUG_testVar4" will be available.
class EventHandlers
init = "params ['_entity']; if (isServer) then { _entity setVariable ['DEBUG_testVar1', 1, true]; [_entity] spawn { params ['_entity']; sleep 1; _entity setVariable ['DEBUG_testVar3', 1, true]; }; };";
postInit = "params ['_entity']; if (isServer) then { _entity setVariable ['DEBUG_testVar2', 1, true]; [_entity] spawn { params ['_entity']; sleep 1; _entity setVariable ['DEBUG_testVar4', 1, true]; }; };";