In v1.82, the `aimpoint` memory point of nearly all trucks and 4-wheel vehicles has been moved too far forward. Driving those vehicles in third-person feels like the driver is sitting on the front bumper, it's really annoying and uncomfortable. The `aimpoint` of trucks and 4-wheel vehicles should be closer to the geometrical center, like tanks and boats, as it used to be before v1.82. The Offroad AT is by far the worst offender, get in the AT gun and switch to third-person, you'll see what I mean.
It appears that the reason why `aimpoint` was moved forward is so that missiles can lock and hit the engine block. It is clear that this problem is due to the dual-purpose nature of `aimpoint`. You guys really need to split it into two separate memory points: one for the camera center (located at vehicle geometrical center) and one for the lock-on target (located in engine block).