The enemy tank at distance, reports more than 2000 m of AI to me about the purpose. I report to them about the purpose. There is a dotted square on the purpose. But the shooter doesn't direct a trunk at the purpose.
I sit down the shooter, and I can't choose the mode of a distance of "AUTO".Strange work of AUTO of correction of a distance for me and for my AI.
When I do capture on the purpose, He doesn'tAUTO correction joins.
I pass to a driver's seat and I go out of the tank. AI arrowsWhen AI does an accurate shot icapture on the tank.
I get into the tankpurpose, I pass to the place ofAUTO correction joins.
But the shooter, nowtrunk looks at the AUTO mode easily joins.purpose differently, Now your messages on the purposefor me and for AI always work and are carried out by the shooter precisely.