I bought "Squad" at the same time I bought "Arma Reforger", and I'll be honest, I played Squad and I did not like it. I tried to like it but I could not.
Arma Reforger, on the other hand, I loved it. Within 2 hours I was hooked, that's why I have 17h in Squad and almost 900h in Arma Reforger.
Though, one thing I enjoyed in "Squad" was the **gun play** and **suppression effects**.
Arma Reforger's gun movement is sort of **clunky and suppression is not that impactful**, aiming down sights is sort of arcade and I presume that that's not the game direction.
**Example:** One guy behind a tree taking heavy fire, the last thing he would think of is tilting his head and shoot the guy firing at him, but in this game he can do that and easily. He can tilt his head and aim down sights normally like he would on a field full of flowers and butterflies on a sunny day with nobody nearby. No twitching, no "fear" effects, therefore he can clearly see where and who is shooting at him if he decides to shoot back.
**To make gun fights more "realistic", enjoyable, take more time and awesome you guys should not copy Squad but take inspiration from it and other games and make it better.**
I love this game and all I want is help in making it better and more popular.
This would definitely make the game more appealing and enjoyable and would definitely attract buyers.
Here's a comparison I made between Squad and Arma Reforger.
[[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApwQe0AGGCg | Youtube link of the video below ]]
Check these mods for ideas:
- "Enhanced Weapon Immersion 2.6" by Ashyl_A.R.M.A_Team
- "LM Suppression" by akalegman
- "BetterHitsEffects 3.0 Alpha" by Ashyl_A.R.M.A_Team
- "BetterTracers 2.0" by Ashyl_A.R.M.A_Team
- "BetterMuzzleFlashes 2.0" by Ashyl_A.R.M.A_Team
**-Better Suppression;
-Better Weapon immersion;
-Better Character movement.**