1. This is my remoteexec.txt for my battleye setup:
5 "" !="removeBackpack this; removeAllWeapons this;"
2. use any multiplayer mission with enabled battleye and the above remotexec.txt configuration
3. create this addaction function ( example as an civilian because they having no uav operators )
player addAction["<t color='#0000FF'>connect to UAV</t>",{createVehicleCrew cursorTarget; player connectTerminalToUAV cursorTarget;},false,90,false,false,"",'!isNull cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget) < 6 && (typeOf cursorTarget == "B_UAV_02_F") && (!isUAVConnected cursorTarget) && ("B_UavTerminal" in (assignedItems player)) ' ];
4. spawn your empty greyhawk drone
5. target your drone
6. klick on your addaction function
7. enjoy your kick