1. Place a swivel target (left/right/ground) on an island in editor.
2. Create two game logic objects close to it named: a) initCenter b) aSwivelArea
3. Place code from description in init field of swivel target to enable MP support.
4. Make sure that the unit you placed has a value set via init: isInstructor
5. Setup a small sign and name it "testswivel" and use following addAction command on it via script:
if (!isDedicated) then {
// params ["_player"];
if (player getVariable ["isInstructor", false]) then {
testswivel addAction ["<t color='#FF2222'>Raise Practice Targets",{["setup",10,aSwivelArea,true] remoteExec ["Fnc_popup", 2];}];
testswivel addAction ["<t color='#FF2222'>Lower Practice Targets",{["reset",10,aSwivelArea,false] remoteExec ["Fnc_popup", 2];}];
6. Make sure that the init.sqf of the mission contains:
Fnc_popup = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "customization\popups.sqf";
if (isServer) then {
_nul = [] spawn {
waitUntil {time > 0};
[] call Fnc_popup;
7. Place this code in the mission folder that is supposed to make the swivels work and name it "popups.sqf":
//Script to be called by inits or scripts for operating swivel and popup
//targets around a specified object "_centerObj".
//params: [ShouldTargetsAutoPop?,WhichSwitchShouldRun?,WhatDistanceFromObject?,WhatObject?]
//By Pax
params [
["_execution", "init"],
["_distance", 500],
["_centerObj", initCenter],
["_popEnabled", false]
_targets = nearestObjects [position _centerObj, ["TargetBase", "Target_Swivel_01_base_F"], _distance];
switch (toLower _execution) do {
case "init": {
//isKindOf Swivel else isKindOf popup
if (typeOf _x isKindOf "Target_Swivel_01_base_F") then {
_x setVariable ["BIS_leaningEnabled", false, true];
_x setVariable ["BIS_poppingEnabled", false, true];
_x animateSource ["popup_Source", 1];
} else {
_x setVariable ["nopop", true, true];
_x animateSource ["terc", 1];
}forEach _targets;
case "setup": {
//Make sure _targets are reset before running the setup phase (layerEightProtection)
["reset", _distance, _centerObj] call Fnc_popup;
//Inform Instructor who asked for setup that the command was received
"Command received - Targets are being setup" remoteExec ["systemChat", remoteExecutedOwner];
if (typeOf _x isKindOf "Target_Swivel_01_base_F") then {
//Is this target told to auto-pop?
_x setVariable ["rePop", _popEnabled];
//Raise the target
_x animateSource ["popup_Source", 0];
//Making sure leaning is enabled for the animation
_x setVariable ["BIS_leaningEnabled", true, true];
//Add Hit EH and store the EH ID on the target
_x setVariable [
_x addEventHandler [
"HitPart", {
params [
//If auto-pop was set
if (_target getVariable "rePop") then {
_target setVariable [
"rePopThread", _target spawn {
"AUTOPOP" remoteExec ["systemChat", remoteExecutedOwner];
sleep (1 + random 4);
_this animateSource ["popup_Source", 0];
//No auto-pop set
} else {
//Bin Hit EH
"NOPOP" remoteExec ["systemChat", remoteExecutedOwner];
((_this select 0) select 0) RemoveEventHandler ["HitPart",0];
//Clean Shit up
_target setVariable ["HitEH", nil];
_target setVariable ["rePop", nil];
} else {
//Is this target told to auto-pop?
_x setVariable ["rePop", _popEnabled];
//Raise the target
_x animateSource ["terc", 0];
//Add Hit EH and store the EH ID on the target
_x setVariable [
_x addEventHandler [
"Hit", {
params [
//If auto-pop was set
if (_target getVariable "rePop") then {
_target setVariable [
"rePopThread", _target spawn {
sleep (1 + random 4);
_this animateSource ["terc", 0];
//No auto-pop set
} else {
//Bin Hit EH
_target removeEventHandler ["Hit", _thisEventHandler];
//Clean Shit up
_target setVariable ["HitEH", nil];
_target setVariable ["rePop", nil];
} forEach _targets;
case "reset": {
//Inform Instructor of action
"Command received - Targets are being reset" remoteExec ["systemChat", remoteExecutedOwner];
//If the target for whatever reason still has an active EH:
if !(isNil {_x getVariable "HitEH"}) then {
//if auto-pop is set
if (_x getVariable "rePop") then {
//Is the target currently waiting to rePop?
if (!isNil {_x getVariable "rePopThread"} && {!isNull (_x getVariable "rePopThread")}) then {
//If it is waiting, terminate the Thread
terminate (_x getVariable "rePopThread");
_x setVariable ["rePopThread", nil];
if (typeOf _x isKindOf "Target_Swivel_01_base_F") then {
_x removeEventHandler ["HitPart", _x getVariable "HitEH"];
_x setVariable ["HitEH", nil];
_x setVariable ["rePop", nil];
_x setVariable ["BIS_leaningEnabled", false, true];
_x animateSource ["popup_Source", 1];
} else {
_x removeEventHandler ["Hit", _x getVariable "HitEH"];
_x setVariable ["HitEH", nil];
_x setVariable ["rePop", nil];
_x animateSource ["terc", 1];
//Lower the targets
} forEach _targets;
8. Export mission to multiplayer
9. upload to a dedicated server
10. connect and run the mission
11. after spawn the targets should be in constant down state, not moving.
12. select to raise targets via sign action
13. shoot the targets and you will see that the EH is not executed.
Popup targets are tested and work as expected including EH and up/down control.