the look at point (cameraDir = "eye_lookat";) can not be animated, it's position is only read on initialization apparently. This complicates things for sights, which do not have their center of rotation in the sight line itself (like my example has for simplification reasons).
**`Solution: `**
1. Re-check code and implementation to guarantee that the cameraDir point will always is used for the center of the screen.
2. Define discrete cameraDir points to each discreteDistanceCameraPoint has a matching counterpart, and where every cameraDir point will guarantee that it is at the center of the screen. e.g.
``` discreteDistanceCameraPoint[] = {"eye_50", "eye_100", "eye_150"};
cameraDir[] = {"eye_dir_50", "eye_dir_100", "eye_dir_150"};