> Start a dedicated server.
> Join and login as administrator.
> Once loaded open the console.
> Enter "myfunc = {diag_log _this};" into the console and press "SERVER EXEC".
> Now enter "[1,2,3] remoteExec ['myfunc', 2];" into the console and press "LOCAL EXEC".
> Check the server log and notice nothing was logged.
> Now try entering "[1,2] remoteExec ['myfunc', 2];" into the console and press "LOCAL EXEC".
> Check the server log once again and notice that it was logged successfully this time.
> Enter "myfunc = {};" into the console and press "LOCAL EXEC".
> Enter "[1,2,3] remoteExec ['myfunc', 2];" into the console and press "LOCAL EXEC" and once again notice that it was logged successfully on the server.