Start the official DayZ Server Browser (ingame or launcher) and search for example the community test server:
- Showserver1
- Showserver2
you will not find them.
Try the same in DZSA launcher or with following default steam master request script. You will find all servers, including the mentioned ones, within a few seconds.
$to_socket = stream_socket_client("udp://", $errno, $errstr);
$last = "";
while (true) {
$input = "1\xFF". $last. "\x00\gamedir\dayz\x00";
fwrite($to_socket, $input);
$packet = fread($to_socket, 4096);
$packet = substr($packet, 6);
while (strlen($packet) > 3) {
$ip = substr($packet,0,4);
$port = substr($packet, 4,5);
echo $i . " " . inet_ntop($ip);
echo ":" . unpack("n", $port)[1];
echo "\n";
$packet = substr($packet, 6);
$last = inet_ntop($ip) . ":" . unpack("n", $port)[1];
if ($last == '') {
If any dev wants some more servers to test it with, i can send you a few more.