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1) Create a new scenario. 2) place a player/playable and give it a name 3) place an activation trigger with on activation (player name) allowDamage false; 4) save the mission and exit the editor 5) Go to single player and open the scenario 6) activate the trigger 7) die ;(
1) Create a new scenario. 2) place a player/playable and give it a name 3) place an activation trigger with on activation (player name) allowDamage false; 4) save the mission and exit the editor 5) Go to single player and open the scenario 6) activate the trigger 7) die ;(
1) Create a new scenario.
2) place a player/playable and give it a name
3) place an activation trigger with on activation (player name) allowDamage false;
4) save the mission and exit the editor
5) Go to single player and open the scenario
6) activate the trigger
7) die ;(