I have started to test the base building and I honestly don’t know how people put up with the building on here it’s horrible you need to be able to have snap point building so you don’t have these gaps an you should be able to build more on uneven ground while you’re building or laying out the fence kits or tower kits, if a tree is in the way and you cut that tree down or bush then you’re stuck with a cut down tree laying in the way or a cut down bush stuck in the way as well and then you can’t build a wall because it won’t let you put a fence kit through a cut down tree so they need to be away when you cut down a tree or a bush that you can chop the rest the tree up while it’s laying on the ground to remove it I need to have a way to make smaller gates for just players and all these giant big gates. You should have the ability to make small windows on walls as well and bigger roofs because if you’re building in the woods, you damn near have to have flat ground or no trees in the way to actually build something halfway decent.