1. In mission editor, create new mission.
2. Place any player unit in a location where vegetation is visible.
3. Open intel dialogue.
4. Set starting and forecast cloud to 50.
5. Set wind to manual.
Mission weather method:
6. Set starting wind strength to 0.
7. Set forecast wind strength to 100.
8. Preview mission.
9. Accelerate time as much as possible.
10. Periodically check the return value of windStr and wind. Notice that windStr increases toward 1, but no wind effects are ever apparent, and wind vector remains at [0,0,0].
Script method:
6. Set starting wind strength to 100.
7. Set forecast wind strength to 100.
8. Preview mission. Notice wind effects.
9. Open debug console. In two watch fields, check return value of windStr and wind. Watch them for each of the following steps.
10. Execute this line:
0 setWindStr 0
11. Close debug console. Notice zero wind vector and no wind effects as expected.
12. Open debug console. Execute this line:
0 setWindStr 1
13. Close debug console. Notice zero wind vector and no wind effects, even though windStr return value is now 1.