1. Create a mod that adds a subconfig to the mission header and prints its values
modded class SCR_MissionHeader : MissionHeader
[Attribute("", UIWidgets.EditBox, "Name of this mission.")]
ref MySubConfig m_MySubConfig;
class MySubConfig : ScriptAndConfig
[Attribute(defvalue: "42")]
int m_iMyInt;
[Attribute(defvalue: "3.1415")]
float m_fMyFloat;
modded class ArmaReforgerScripted : ChimeraGame
override bool OnGameStart()
SCR_MissionHeader header = SCR_MissionHeader.Cast(GetGame().GetMissionHeader());
if (header && header.m_MySubConfig)
PrintFormat("m_MySubConfig.m_iMyInt = %1", header.m_MySubConfig.m_iMyInt);
PrintFormat("m_MySubConfig.m_fMyFloat = %1", header.m_MySubConfig.m_fMyFloat);
return super.OnGameStart();
2. Start a dedicated server with said mod and specify the following in the mission header section of the server config JSON:
"missionHeader": {
"m_MySubConfig": {
"m_fMyFloat" = 2.718
3. Notice that `m_fMyFloat` is `2.718` as expected, but `m_iMyInt` is `0` instead of `42`.