The function SCR_NameTagRulesetBase::TraceLOS() has a bug. The TraceParam is set to exclude the player, but it does not exclude the target entity. Therefore, the linetrace ALWAYS fails. Locally, I fixed it by using ExcludeArray to specify both entities:
override protected bool TraceLOS(SCR_NameTagData data)
TraceParam param = new TraceParam;
param.Start = m_CurrentPlayerTag.m_vEntHeadPos;
param.End = data.m_vEntHeadPos + HEAD_LOS_OFFSET;
param.LayerMask = EPhysicsLayerDefs.Projectile;
param.Flags = TraceFlags.ANY_CONTACT | TraceFlags.WORLD | TraceFlags.ENTS;
array<IEntity> excludes = { m_CurrentPlayerTag.m_Entity, data.m_Entity };
param.ExcludeArray = excludes;
float percent = GetGame().GetWorld().TraceMove(param, null);
if (percent == 1) // If trace travels the entire path, return true
return true;
return false;