Hi BIS! After APEX release, for me was a big disappointment, see the primitive detalisation in the damages and primitive flying model for all VTOLS. The player of Arma3, already have a helicopters with a much better damage model and much better simulate the flight. Now, after APEX release, player using VTOLS, sees a great contrast in detalisation, between these aircrafts. This is not good.
//**Damage model:**//
1. The V-44 X Blackfish VTOL and Y-32 Xi'an VTOL, are have only one damage module - HULL. This is too primitive. The damage model is not has right/left engine, rotors, fuel tank, weapons and etc. Also the frontal windshield of VTOLS, no has any visual damages! It is indestructible, after any attack! Against the background of all helicopters(DLC Helicopters) all these details at VTOLS, look very poor. The player is forced to observe the not small contrast between helicopters and planes. BIS, Please create a more detailed damage model for VTOLS.
//**Flight model:**//
2. These vehicles do not have an Advanced Flight Model. I understand, that today (v 1.62), the game treats them as planes, but not helicopters. However, it seems to me, these vehicles are more like helicopters because, they have a vertical takeoff. Perhaps there is a way to adapt V-44 X Blackfish VTOL and Y-32 Xi'an VTOL to Advanced Flight Model also, or to simulate more detailed flight model without Advanced Flight Model? In any case, the contrast in the complexity and detalisation of controls between helicopters and planes, should be minimized. It seems to me today we have too much contrast.
BIS please improve these points.