There are already plenty of tickets for this and Bohemia is very well aware of the issue.
The launcher is filled with fake servers, and it's always been, but lately to a point that real servers won't even show up. The launcher will stop loading servers after around 9600~ and somehow seems to be geolocated to what game servers are closest to you.
I used to be able to see US West and EU servers (from US EAST) after waiting for it to load. Now all I can see is 10k fake servers that all redirect to pay to win servers, selling items for real money, breaking DMCA rules.
Is that really what you want your game to look like after this many years of development? Is this really how you want to treat the modding community that is part of why this game is successful?
Many tickets are out there addressing this issue, somehow being ignored, perhaps intentionally? I don't want to believe the devs behind this game have no clue how to fix that issue, but just in case, I will explain how I think it can be fixed, and at the same time explain the weakness in this system that allows anyone to exploit and spawn thousands of fake servers.
The Steam API lets you announce a server to their master list freely. All it takes is a simple call to their function with the app ID 221100 and there you have a DayZ server listed to be queried in the launcher. The launcher then queries that server for their player count, which at the end of the day is just a digit that can be faked like anything else. That's what's happening. After that, all it takes is basic networking rules to redirect the traffic to another server, nothing ridiculously hard to setup.
Games like Rust have overcome this issue and there is zero reason why you shouldn't be able to. It's actually really simple to manage.
Create a server that queries the Steam API, which will return the accurate amount of players, cache it and send it to the launcher. You can then query each IP for their mod list and ping, without having to trust the player count sent to them.
This is trivial for devs to implement. Fix this launcher.