Example 1
1. Load into the game with a weapon and go into any building.
2. Drop your weapon and close the gear menu.
3. Try to pickup the weapon. (No Inventory option and cursortarget is always the building)
Example 2
1. On Stratis load into the game with a weapon and run this command.
player setposATL [1918.72,5727.37,0.557808];
2. Drop your weapon and close the gear menu.
3 Try to pickup the weapon. (Works, cursortarget is that of the groundweaponholder)
4. Now move 5 steps toward the center of the building or run this command: player setposATL [1920.38,5732.82,0.527586];
5. Drop your weapon and close the gear menu.
6. Try to pickup the weapon. (No Inventory option and cursortarget is always the building)