# Date: 2025-02-24
# Server: 3-Commando-Brigade Conflict Everon 128 player
# Game Version:
## Test Methodology:
- **Testing Approach:**
This experiment took place over 3 weeks and follows an earlier study on higher fuel consumption costs.(Link in end notes)
- **Sample Size:**
Our server is usually full and handles 120-128 players.
- **Duration of Testing:**
Three weeks in February, 2025
## Test Environment:
- **Hardware Specifications:**
- **Operating System:**
GNU+Linux x64
- **Network Conditions:**
Good, except for the DDoS attack on Bohemia Interactive mid-way through the experiment which caused considerable disruption, making it difficult to connect or remain in a game. The interruptions affected the mood of the testing and participants did not wish to incur additional difficulty during gaming sessions on the occasions when they were able to play.
## Test Parameters:
- **Parameter Tested:**
Spawn Cost Multiplier - This is the factor which multiplies the number of supplies needed to spawn for a given loadout at a base.
- **Range of Values Tested:**
* x2
* x3
* x4
* x0.5
* x0.1
## Technical Observations:
### Performance:
- **Frame Rate Observations:**
Larger crowds were noticed around Ammunition Supplies, however these close congregations of players didn't seem to effect Frames Per Second.
- **Load Times:**
No changes in load time were noted, though it takes a few seconds for the Game Master to establish credentials and set the server to the Spawn Cost setting at the start of each game.
### Stability:
- **Crash Reports:**
- **Lag Spikes:**
## Gameplay Observations:
- **Balance:**
- **Mechanics:**
## Bugs Encountered:
- **Description of Bug:**
- Steps to Reproduce:
- Expected Behavior:
- Actual Behavior:
- **Severity Rating:**
## Player Feedback:
- **Quotes or Summaries:**
- [Quote or Summary]
- [Quote or Summary]
## Suggestions:
- **Improvement Ideas:**
- **Potential Additions:**
## Comparative Analysis:
- **Changes from Previous Tests or Versions:**
## Media:
- **Screenshots:**
- [Link or Description]
- **Videos:**
- [Link or Description]
## Additional Notes:
- **Any Other Relevant Information:**
Red Line - Fuel Consumption Testing on ArmA Reforger 2025
Pasted below are the headings for this report in case others might like to use a similar format.
# Date:
# Server:
# Game Version:
## Test Methodology:
- **Testing Approach:**
- **Sample Size:**
- **Duration of Testing:**
## Test Environment:
- **Hardware Specifications:**
- **Operating System:**
- **Network Conditions:**
## Test Parameters:
- **Parameter Tested:**
- **Range of Values Tested:**
## Technical Observations:
### Performance:
- **Frame Rate Observations:**
- **Load Times:**
### Stability:
- **Crash Reports:**
- **Lag Spikes:**
## Gameplay Observations:
- **Balance:**
- **Mechanics:**
## Bugs Encountered:
- **Description of Bug:**
- Steps to Reproduce:
- Expected Behavior:
- Actual Behavior:
- **Severity Rating:**
## Player Feedback:
- **Quotes or Summaries:**
- [Quote or Summary]
- [Quote or Summary]
## Suggestions:
- **Improvement Ideas:**
- **Potential Additions:**
## Comparative Analysis:
- **Changes from Previous Tests or Versions:**
## Media:
- **Screenshots:**
- [Link or Description]
- **Videos:**
- [Link or Description]
## Additional Notes:
- **Any Other Relevant Information:**