Possible commands:
getControllers array - gets array of supported controllers (visible in controls menu)
controllerId getAnalogInput analogId - gets state of given controller analog input
controllerId joystickButtonState buttonId - gets state of given controller button
Possible display event handlers:
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["onAnalogInput",{
// fired when an analog input is changed
_display = _this select 0;// display eh is added to
_controller = _this select 1;// name of controller
_analogId = _this select 2;// id of analog input type (x,y,z, etc)
_analogInput = _this select 3;// state of analog input (-1 to 1, etc)
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["onJoystickButton",{
// fired when a controller buttom is pressed
_display = _this select 0;// display eh is added to
_controller = _this select 1;// name/id of controller
_buttonId = _this select 2;// id of controller button (1,2,3, etc)