1. Player shoots player sitting "in" car.
2. Player in car dies (server-log doesn't show though who shot him. Server-log only shows that player who get shot started bleeding. Server-log also don't show if player who got shot fallen unconscious!
3. Player who got shot get message "You are dead".
4. Player who got shot press respawn and respawns right next (not in) the car.
5. Player who just respawned is able to continue playing.
**Another problem:**
1. Player get's shot in car and die (no server-log who show the player, only that he start bleeding).
2. Player gets message he is dead and press respawn. He respawn as bambi at coast.
3. Next day (like 10 hours later) this players character is still in car and full lootable!
Tested by myself after talking to the player and trying to get that car. I was able to see the player still sitting in car and even able to loot him still while he was spawned the 10 hours before at the coast!
**Another problem:**
1. Sometimes you have to press "open doors" twice to get out
**Another problem:**
1. When you pass a bus with a sedan the bus turns 180 degree while bus is getting passed AND the sedan turns somewhere left/right.
2. Happens actually with every vehicle when you pass another vehicle too close.
**Another problem:**
1. When you start the engine of a car that has not yet being started/moved after a restart of the server, the car (all vehicles) turn 180 degree once the engine gets started.
2. Tested several times, always happens. Once you enter/start the vehicle the second time after the server was restarted and the vehicle was already moved, this doesn't happen anymore.
**Another problem:**
1. Small objects on the road i.E. Road Flare on street, ruin the front sheels.
**Another problem:**
1. There is no impact on the condition of the wheels when you are driving. I.E. You have 4 wheels in prestine condition, the car still drives normally and there is no bad impact on the steering even three of the wheels get into badly damaged condition.
**Another problem: **
1. Wheels show status prestine even they are not (means they still can be repaired while being in prestine condition).
**Another problem: **
1. Once you have the engine "on" you have to use the mouse left or right to have more options of the car shown.
**Another problem: **
1. Driving a vehicle with speed bigger 15km/h, the synchronisation seems to not work when passing a filled up military tent (with loot). The slower you pass this military tent, the bigger is the chance that the vehicle doesn't get out of sync.
2. Driving any vehicle faster than approximately 15km/h passing the mili-tent, the vehicle get's out of sync and teleports back somewhere even you have taken i.E. the next curve but you land somewhere in a fence or other object.
**Most important:**
RUINED cars don't respawn
1. You shoot car in motor block to ruin it. It used to be like this: Once you cannot enter the car anymore, the car was ruined and was ready to get respawned (after restart of server).
now the car remains in condition ruined (not being able to enter anymore).
Thank you for your attention.