1. Obviously the AI can walk to any parts of that room without being constrained by paths. And will automatically avoid walls and use doors/doorways to get where they want.
This will help allow the AI to do the building routines as you could always set predefined memory points seperate to the standard ones for where the AI groups should move to in order to clear a room. And maybe have multiple versions of it so the AI leader decides how they want the group to clear the room.
If the room is too small, it doesnt matter if you have a large group. Since you set 3 room clear memory points for 3 AI, the Leader and his two corporals will still room clear and everyone else will follow in (if required) or wait outside.
3. When placing AI down inside a building, if they are not near a memory point (currently) they move to the nearest memory point. To keep them in place you need to disableAI "Move". Having the polygonal waypoint system will stop that.
Sorry for uploading multiple pictures, I am trying to get the picture to display on this site rather than having to download it just to view it. They are all the same pictures though so choose one.
ACTUAL NAME OF THE SYSTEM -----------------------------------------------------
"Navigation Mesh"
After doing a bit of research when Helari replied, i came across this:
I dunno what most of the games are on there, i think the first one may be World of Warcraft, but that basically explains the "Navigation Mesh" aka my "Polygonal Pathing System" (PPS) - see I've already gave it a universal name.
OTHER EXAMPLES -----------------------------------------------------------------
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
FallOut (Same company as the Elder Scrolls)
This is not a high res picture (sadly) but you can just about see the complexity of the NavMesh. In ArmA 3 this will allow the unit to get around multiple levels without issue.
Omg check this out:
Watch the whole thing but look especially at the boat part about 54 seconds in.