1) Place in the map the **//Qilin LSV//** or **//Offroad Armed//** of Red Faction.
2) Place in the map **//VTOL V 44 X BlackFish//** of BLUFOR Faction.
3) Give to each vehicle waypoint - Seek and Destroy, towards each other, or waypoint Destroy with snap to the target
4) Place player as civilian, and watch game
5) After that, replace **//VTOL V 44 X BlackFish//** with a enemy helicopter/plane and repeat the test. In this case you will see the difference, because AI will attack these targets normally.
1) Place in the map the **//Plowler LSV Armed//** of Blue Faction.
2) Place in the map **//VTOL Y 32 Xi`an//** of OPFOR Faction
3) Give to each vehicle waypoint - Seek and Destroy, towards each other, or waypoint Destroy with snap to the target
4) Place player as civilian, and watch game
5) After that, replace **//VTOL Y 32 Xi`an//** with a enemy helicopter/airplane and repeat the test. In this case you will see the difference, because AI will attack these targets normally.