Fixed Several inconsistencies in the admin logs (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170195)
This fix seems to have broken killfeeds and how they display the hits. Previously the last hit was shown with HP: 0, it now appears that all HP: 0s have been removed from the log to avoid the above issue but this has broken killfeeds as we no longer have a final hit to track and display.
Example of the old logs:
18:11:54 | Player "Alaiah123" (DEAD) (id=5F8273BA53EE3F924ACEA2EEC072859BBCEE0020 pos=<5136.2, 2333.9, 9.7>)[HP: 0] hit by Player "BarTman696709" (id=552D9BAD266D3599E56F300FC183FE90BDF3A4B3 pos=<5004.1, 2413.2, 9.5>) into Torso(12) for 71.5707 damage (Bullet_762x39) with KA-M from 154.037 meters
18:11:54 | Player "Alaiah123" (DEAD) (id=5F8273BA53EE3F924ACEA2EEC072859BBCEE0020 pos=<5136.2, 2333.9, 9.7>) killed by Player "BarTman696709" (id=552D9BAD266D3599E56F300FC183FE90BDF3A4B3 pos=<5004.1, 2413.2, 9.5>) with KA-M from 154.037 meters