I classified the severtity as MAJOR within the context of ai aiming/shooting.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: It seems that the problem related to the AI unable to compensate for recoil when near the player occurs when a non-zero recoil is defined for a firemode that the ai is using. In other words, there seems to be a conflict between the recoil defined in the weapon, and the recoil defined in its fire modes.
ANOTHER UPDATE: I believe the original format recoils in the form like this,
recoil_auto_machinegun_3outof10[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.06, 0.0110829, 0.0060864, 0.06, 0.0102066, 0.0058896, 0.06, 0.0080529, 0.0051864, 0.06, 0.005886, 0.0044832, 0.06, 0.0043548, 0.004056, 0.06, 0.0031722, 0.0037584, 0.06, 0.0027, 0.0036624, 0.06, 0, 0};
are not configured correctly.
I think the time component of each impulse is meant to be measured from the start of the recoil, and not from the previous impulse. See that 0.06 time parameter repeating over and over, I think that is wrong.