The `checkVisibility` command has two limitations:
1. When checking "VIEW" visibility, it seems that it zeros out very fast near the ground with grass. This causes the command to give invalid visibility results. E.g. the AI still see a unit lying in the grass but `checkVisibility` returns 0.
I was hoping if this could be investigated and improved to match AI visibility if possible.
2. When using the `"FIRE"` or `"IFIRE"` LODs, using the command as it is is nonsensical, since "visibility" for these LODs actually means "penetration", and you need to specify parameters such as bullet velocity, caliber, etc.
Being able to customize the command for detecting penetration would be very much appreciated. For example:
[objNull, "FIRE"] checkVisibility [p1, p2, configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammoType]
[objNull, "FIRE"] checkVisibility [p1, p2, _bulletVelocity, _caliber, ... (other related parameters that I don't know)]