This is known bug for some time and i believe you should fix this . My father owns a law firm And suggested I write to you cause I asked him I can not complete training as the game i paid for will not let me This is a simple but yet serious bug needs to be fixed or a refund should be sent out to to people as there not getting there full moneys worth even something simple as this can prevent the game training from passing . therefor making your game broken and you release apex. There are legal laws in this . And some can be you r company can be put under the magnifying glass of some people who do this . i have over 40 friends who all agree on this either they give money back to people or discount or fix it cause a game this good and simple when you start you cant even pass the dang training . I will be asking my father for more advice . more people are involved it can be a class action suit against your company for a game that's not complete . I will expect an answer to know where you stand on this issue and what my next step will be .. thank you