Would be nice if we could increase or decrease the radius of an order given to AI (search & destroy, defend) and also having waypoint loop so they can patrol along a predefined way without us having to drop big amount of move order to simulate the patrol for couple minutes.
Also AI should seek cover when engaging players instead of running in plain sight and even more when they have to bandage themselves. It's nice that they come to seek players when "hearing" gunfire, but still too dumb.
They also have to learn how to open doors and clear rooms properly. And they to stop hesitating throwing a grenade (they switch between rifle & grenade in loop mode too often) and fire an RPG (i saw an AI targeting a vehicle for at least 60 seconds without shooting and when i enforce my presence in its body it was perfectly aiming at it...)
They need to be more responsive while also be less deadly on first shot. (already saw AI jump a fence and kill you with 1 shot just after landing the foot on the ground ?)
They also need to be less deadly through bushes or even walls. They know where the sound of a gunfire comes from, but they locate it perfectly where a normal humain being will spread shots in the global direction of the sound, they just aim the right spot directly which is frustrating because "unnatural".
The whole PvE experience relies on having responsive, smart but natural AI behavior. And as autonomous as they can so the gamemaster doesn't have to do anything else than placing AIs where he wants and give them their orders.