I'd like to request a new scripting command to return vehicle laser targets.
Right now there is just a single scripting command to return laser target: `laserTarget`, which only returns laser target for primary gunner, which is not sufficient for vehicles like Strider where commander has laser target while primary turret is driver, or any vehicle which might have two laser target sources.
Suggested scripted command to return laser target of specified turret:
<Entity> = <Vehicle> laserTarget <Turret>;
a command to return laser target for specified turret path. Another name could be `laserTargetTurret` to describe the command better.
Another useful addition would be making laser targets trigger `Fired` and `FiredMan` event handlers, because right now you have to execute `laserTarget` each frame to find out if laser target was fired or not.
For backwards compatibility purposes I suggest to not touch `laserTarget` command.