* SACLOS Guidance: (by that I mean, missiles that follow your cursor)
SACLOS guidance doesn't work with munitions equipped in a Dynamic Loadout vehicle variant, both the DAGR and the Scalpel will simply shoot straight.
Whereas in the normal variants(pre Jets DLC), the missiles will work as expected and follow the cursor.
* Scalpel/DAGR Laser Guidance(both variants):
You can only lock onto a laser target if it's in a shallow angle from the forward vector of your aircraft, aka, you need to point your aircraft directly at the target in order to lock.
This means its impossible to perform loiter or high altitude attacks with a laser guided Scalpel/DAGR. Which doesn't make sense, since those missiles are agile enough to perform such attacks (possible with SACLOS guidance)
*Note: In the normal UAV variants, SACLOS(cursor) guidance works so this issue isn't obvious if you're self-guiding (the missile will follow your cursor because of the SACLOS guidance, not because of the laser!), but if you try to lock onto an external laser target, you'll notice the above - you would have to point your aircraft directly at the target in order to lock on successfully.