Simple example:
GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(fn, delay: 300 * 1000);
// Somewhere later
t1 = GetGame().GetCallqueue().GetRemainingTime(fn);
// Another somewhere later
GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(fn, delay: 300 * 1000);
t2 = GetGame().GetCallqueue().GetRemainingTime(fn);
Results in `t2 != 300 * 1000`
Reproduction using entity component:
1. Write component:
2. Open any world and add it to the GameMode;
3. Start world - it starts printing `0 remains until Finish()`
4. Execute (by Remote Console):
It starts counting from 15 to 0
5. Wait until 10 seconds left;
6. Execute
It still counting...
7. Wait until 5 seconds left;
8. Execute:
First, it counting from 5 to 0. When it reachs 0, it jumps to 4 and continue counting to 0. And only after this calls `Finish()`