This information was posted as a comment on another thread. I wanted to make a dedicated report for Xbox, as that is the platform I use.
Currently there is no obvious way to integrate the new multi-account mitigation feature into the config we don't have access to a serverDZ.cfg file...instead we us Nitrado's native config file which is formatted slightly different than a typical batch file since its written in .json instead. I believe the issue is that we don't have access to the traditional config file and therefore need a special definition created in .json that can be called to reference this parameter. Nitrado has lots of parameters that translate directly to the vanilla serverDZ.cfg config file, they are just written in .json. I don't think it will work for us at this point without Bohemia writing some code or Nitrado adding another parameter to our web interface...
I've added this line to the server config export through nitrado thinking it might work and achieved nothing. My files validated and worked fine, the line of code did nothing. I also tried to add it to the cfggameplay file but it doesn't belong there. It belongs in a file like serverDZ.cfg which is a file we don't have direct access to, we have access to server configuration parameters stored in a file on the Nitrado Web Interface, the file can be located as an export through the general settings of the web interface. The issue may be that the formatting is different between the two files, the traditional .cfg file reads as: 'disableMultiAccountMitigation = false'. When you export the Nitrado config file the parameters are formatted as such, instead: "nolog":"true" or "disablePersonalLight":1...
Neither of those formats agree with the format Bohemia has indicated we use to enable this parameter, and they told us to put it in a file we don't even have direct access to. Either the community isn't understanding here or someone isn't giving us enough information.
In order to add it to the config for console I imagine it would have to be in a format such as those last two I listed.
The line I initially added to the export file was 'disableMultiAccountMitigation = true'.
I tried "disableMultiAccountMitigation": "true" as well as "disableMultiAccountMitigation": 1 none of this worked.