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The vehicle which doesn't move has over 7000 meters to the destination (the other vehicle has below that), maybe this is some hardcoded limit seems to also affect other commands such as calculatePath and setdestination calculatePath with type "man" can find the path over 7k distances but calculatePath with type car cannot
The vehicle which doesn't move has over 7000 meters to the destination (the other vehicle has below that), maybe this is some hardcoded limit seems to also affect other commands such as calculatePath and setdestination calculatePath with type "man" can find the path over 7k distances but calculatePath with type car cannot
The vehicle which doesn't move has over 7000 meters to the destination (the other vehicle has below that), maybe this is some hardcoded limit seems to also affect other commands such as calculatePath and setdestination calculatePath with type "man" can find the path over 7k distances but calculatePath with type car cannot