Currently following Behaviour is observable:
- It returns false if the Gunner Seat is empty
- It returns true if the Gunner Seat was once occupied by some "brained" entity (i.e. Player or AI)
- It returns true as long as any "brained" entity occupies any Seat featuring advanced Interaction (i.e. Driver, Gunner, CO - not Cargo e.g.)
- It returns false if entities move out of the Vehicle who did not occupy the Gunner Seat - even occurs when the Gunner Seat ONCE was occupied (assuming no Gunner is left)
- It returns false if the Vehicle Ammo was removed via SQF Statements (it would [still] return true if you'd empty all Magazines manually by firing thus making it IMPOSSIBLE to check this Exception via SQF) (assuming there's a Gunner)
A2/OA features this Bug, too.
In contrary to that: In OFP the Command works as intended.