```player spawn {
sleep 1;
_p = _this modelToWorld [0, 0, 0];
_v = "B_Quadbike_01_F" createvehiclelocal _p;
_v setpos _p;
_v setdir (getdir _this);
_v setvelocity [0, 0, -5];
{_x allowdamage false} foreach [_v, _this];
_t2w = time + 0.1;
waituntil {(animationstate _this == "unconscious") || time > _t2w};
deletevehicle _v;
1. - Have a player execute the above code locally (therefore 'rag dolling' them)
- Ensure you are not near the player and your connection isn't 'great' (aka, not LAN).
2. Teleport to that players position just before/after they are 'rag dolled'.
3. Watch as that player will report they have stood up and are walking around, whilst you seem them only on the ground.
4. Repeat the above code again and watch the players ragdoll disappear to [0,0,0] and never return.