AI not able to fight in CQB:
1) Make yourself a group, enter a building.
2) You'll notice they do not follow you but assemble a formation outside.
1) Make yourself a group, enter a narrow building.
2) Tell them to move to a certain building position close to a wall, possibly higher (I recommend Stratis Air Tower at Stratis Airfield)
3) Tell everybody to regroup. They'll probably fly out the window.
AI unable to properly move around freely:
- This one's tough to reproduce, really, but I'll try come up with a good scenario.
1) Make yourself a group of 4 or so.
2) Move to a narrow corridor (Recommended: northern Medium Walls of the Stratis Air Base, leading to the inner complex)
3) Place enemy AI in there, move around.
4) You'll probably notice how friendly AI starts to move to cover far away and across the corridor.
AI unresponsive:
1) Make yourself a group.
2) Issue move commands to certain places, see the response time of the AI.
1) Make yourself a group.
2) Move from cover to cover, notice how the AI falls behind, just standing there out in the open whilst a firefight is going on.
3) Alternatively, engage the enemy by walking towards them. You'll probably notice the AI does not change it's combatmode unless somebody dies or gets hit.
AI Pathfinding issues:
- If you were able to reproduce the CQB issue you have your first pathfinding issue, they take the walls instead of stairs / doors. This is also hard to reproduce.
1) Go into a narrow area and move around, keep checks on the AI, how they behave and how well they take cover.
2) Go in an open area with littl cover, keep checks on the AI, how they behave and how well they take cover (with the little cover there is)