Light vehicles in the game - **//Plowler LSV, Qilin LSV, Offroad Armed//.**
If this vehicles has a "Seek and Destroy Waypoint" and and if they lose their gunners in the fight, then, the drivers do not leave the vehicle. It just continues to go back and forth or stops, the AI-driver only waits until he is will killed! **The driver must leave the vehicle without gunner, because the driver in the vehicle with no gunners has no meaning. It is only a target for the enemy!** Please Note! He has waypoint Seek and Destroy and he has to destroy the enemy, and not to be useless unit.
expected AI-actions:
1) If the driver is alone, and he sees the enemy, he can take the position of the gunner, after this he can again return to the position of the driver.
2) If the driver is alone, and he sees the enemy, he can just periodically to leave the driver's seat and fire the primary weapons, after this, periodically he can again return to the position of the driver.
3) If the driver is alone, and he sees the enemy, then he can just leave the vehicle and will return back only just when he get back to Aware mode. (Not danger mode)