issue seems somewhat consistent with the following mission
to repro the issue execute the mission on a linux dedicated server
join to the server
as an admin execute on the console the following two lines, this is to provide points for the refortify action and the placement of the FOB
commandpointsblu1 = 200;
publicVariable "commandpointsblu1";
option A) refortify main base multiple times (low reproducibility of the issue)
option B) capture at least one zone
establish a FOB (radio menu 0-8-1)
refortify a few times.
setup information
uname -a
Linux free-root 4.7.0-sabayon #1 SMP Fri Oct 28 07:47:36 UTC 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
8GB of ram
Game and OS running on a SSD.