**Find:** Two commands, one with array return, and one with boolean:
string regexFind [regex, startFrom, returnAll];
> **string:** STRING: the string to search in
> **regex:** STRING: regular expression
> **startFrom:** NUMBER: the start index
> **returnAll:** BOOL: return all results
> **Returns:** ARRAY: Array of string-number pairs in format: `[[match1, index1], [match2, index2] , ...]` (if returnAll is false, only the first match is returned). If no match is found or there is an error, an empty array is returned.
string regexMatch regex
> **string:** STRING: the string to search in
> **regex:** STRING: regular expression
> **Returns:** BOOL: whether a match was found
**Replace:** replace all found matches:
string regexReplace [regex, replace]
> **string:** STRING: the string to search in
> **regex:** STRING: regular expression
> **replace:** STRING: regular expression
> **Returns:** STRING: the string after replacing all found matches (or original string in case of error)
For individual replace, one can use find and replace together:
_text = "Hello world!";
_firstMatch = _text regexFind ["\w+", 0];
_firstMatch params ["_match", "_index"];
_newText = (_text select [0, _index]) + (_match regexReplace ["\w+", "blabla"]) + (_text select [_index + count _match]);