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{F4649872} I am a Christian, a husband, a father, and an adult onset outdoorsman. Most people are familiar with the term adult onset hunter (a person who learns to hunt as an adult), but I consider myself an adult onset outdoorsman because until a few years ago I didn’t do much outdoors. I started my journey into the outdoors 2019 by going on my first deer hunt. Before then I always wanted to learn, but never found a mentor and was too intimidated by the amount of knowledge out there. I found myself asking “where do I start?” It was that question that led me to asking if anyone else was in the same situation that I was in and come to find out there were a ton of people just like me. Lost without a mentor to show them the ropes. [[ https://ramonoutdoors.com/ | redear sunfish ]]
{F4649872} I am a Christian, a husband, a father, and an adult onset outdoorsman. Most people are familiar with the term adult onset hunter (a person who learns to hunt as an adult), but I consider myself an adult onset outdoorsman because until a few years ago I didn’t do much outdoors. I started my journey into the outdoors 2019 by going on my first deer hunt. Before then I always wanted to learn, but never found a mentor and was too intimidated by the amount of knowledge out there. I found myself asking “where do I start?” It was that question that led me to asking if anyone else was in the same situation that I was in and come to find out there were a ton of people just like me. Lost without a mentor to show them the ropes. [[ https://ramonoutdoors.com/ | redear sunfish ]]